Buddhism: Chronicle of a Delusion

We give below a review of the recent book by Marion Duvauchel, entitled, Bouddhisme, chronique d’une illusion (Buddhism: Chronicle of a Delusion), which is a meticulous dismantling of the fabrication known as “Buddhism.” We are hoping that this book will soon be available in English. For those who are able to read French, please support Dr. Duvauchel’s important work and purchase a copy.

Universal religion, wisdom, spirituality, philosophy or brilliant syncretism—Buddhism is a religious as well as a historical enigma. But it appeals to the entire bobo class fond of cheap spirituality: we fold a leg, we join our hands and we wait for the sovereign peace of the Buddha with his silly smile (or suave, it depends). To be clear, the doctrines of appeasement are witchcraft! But the “fiction of the Buddha” accompanies the meditation techniques supposed to bring the peace of the “Blessed One,” techniques that have recently been implanted in our educational system, in the hope of calming children down whom distracted parents have been careful not to educate and instead have irritated them. And this fiction of the Buddha is solidly implanted in the common culture.

As for this common knowledge about the Buddha’s religion, we know almost nothing about how it was developed. However, the fascination that Buddhism exerts today cannot be defeated without an analysis, nourished by the weight of European Orientalism in the diffusion of this religious phenomenon—in others, successful propaganda. Scholarly, prestigious, erudite and then popularizing propaganda. But propaganda nevertheless.

This work of elucidation is what Bouddhisme, chronique d’une illusion [Buddhism, Chronicle of a Delusion] is about. In ten chapters, the book examines three centuries of Orientalist historiography: the infatuation of Europeans for India, the fascination for the “old ageless texts,” the discoveries haloed by sensationalism, the occulted aspects, the thorny question of Indian languages and writings, including Kharosthi. And the frauds—archaeological and intellectual. All this in a historical and political context that scholarly works rarely take into account, and for good reason—they rely precisely on this field of knowledge with improbable foundations without ever questioning it. The chapter on the four Generals of that potentate of the Punjab (Ranjit Singh), as intelligent as he was illiterate, carries the weight of history as well as that of the singular men, intrepid mavericks, atypical mercenaries who also built the history of Central Asia (Middle Asia), where Buddhism had found new lands for its missions, where it had taken root in a different spiritual climate and by multiplying the Buddhas who became “bodhisattvas.”

Let us draw out some of the constitutive features of this religion with mythical contours. First, the founder, an Indian prince, raised in a bubble of opulence, who discovers one fine morning the incarnate condition of humanity in its most distressing modalities, death, illness and old age. Then, the canon and the doctrine—an elusive thing, nourished by oral traditions that nothing attests to; tirelessly taken up again and again, enriched, renewed, glossed and commented upon. And then, the factors of the transmission of this canon—a marvelous narrative no matter the current that bears it, in Pali as in Sanskrit, and which was only put into writing in the 18th century (the Lalita-vistara). Let us add for good measure, what may be called the “inculturation of Buddhism” beyond India, its cradle, and the depth of this Central Asia that the Russians call “Middle Asia,” where the “bodhisattvas of Serindia” were born. Finally, the multiplicity of currents, cults and magico-religious practices that developed in Tibet after the first schisms and the session of the two “vehicles,” giving a system of grandiose magic and fabulous pantheons that have nothing to do with primitive Buddhism but are, on the contrary, late constructions.

It was the French, English, German, Russian and Dutch researchers who, fascinated by the “old ageless texts” of India, gradually elaborated this “fiction of the Buddha.” All this was not without discussion. Three centuries were necessary to finally impose the idea of the Buddha’s historicity, of his canon, of his gesture and of his miracles, a historicity in which scholars, academics and translators, all great skeptics before the Lord when it comes to the religion of their own childhood, pretended to believe. One cannot do without a hermeneutic, a structure of interpretation. The religious vocabulary used by European orientalism is that of Catholic theology. It is by the yardstick of Catholicism, suavely denied, that all these orientalists analyzed what came down to them from India and Asia and which they have reconstituted as the history of the Buddha and Buddhism. Duly popularized by the prolific and talented pen of René Grousset, it has rendered a constituted knowledge, universally accepted, to which Sylvain Lévi affixed his definitive seal (Génie de l’Inde), discarding in passing the part taken by the Christian missionaries, who could not be considered as founders, or even as precursors.

In 2004, however, Peter Skilling threw a spanner in the works of Buddhist studies by questioning the relevance of the usage that establishes a necessary link between “Theravada” and the Paleo Canon—he established that this usage is the product of norms established in Europe from the end of the nineteenth century to the middle of the following century, and that this reinvented Theravada, mainly English-speaking, had progressively gained an international influence, including among Asian Buddhists themselves. He makes it clear that the nomenclatures that have been legitimately used are not based on vernacular sources but largely on assertions imposed by the scientific community. The term “Buddhism” itself was challenged by a Sinhalese exegete as nonsense invented by Europeans. A Minnesota researcher, David Dreuwen, established in 2020 in a meticulous article that three centuries of research have never been able to “scientifically” establish the historicity of this Indian prince who became a “bhikshu.”

The first chapter of Buddhism, Chronicle of a Delusion takes up this problematic issue and reinforces Dreuwen’s thesis. How the Buddha, for a long time held to be a legendary being by Orientalists themselves, progressively became a historical personality is, in fact, explained by the Orientalists themselves: “Without the Buddha, Buddhism is inexplicable.”

These European zealots include, the honest Frenchman Eugene Burnouf (founder of Buddhology); the dubious Thomas William Rhys Davids who founded with his theosophist wife the profitable Pali Text Society and who was accused of embezzlement in Ceylon where he was stationed and had to leave after a trial; the improbable theosophists, like Henry Steel Olcott and the Buddhist monks whose European origins are hidden by colorful monastic names, of which the most representative were Nânatiloka (alias, Anton Walther Florus Gueth) and Ananda Metteyya (alias, Charles Henry Allan Bennett, the same one who coined the expression “Theravâda Buddhism” with the meaning we know today).

And then there was the Levi “clan,” which gave French Indianism all its prestige, and which today nourishes the hagiography of current research.

Each structural aspect of Buddhism is analyzed in the ten chapters of this book, which carefully examines data that is often hidden, little known, rarely cited, along with theories that are accepted and established on very shaky ground, but to which the prestigious status of what is called “institutional orientalism” or “learned orientalism” gives the entire weight of academia.

The first Indianists—Auguste Barth, Abel Bergaigne, Johan Kern—were Sanskritists before they were “Indologists.” They translated these “old ageless texts” (the formula is from Louis Renou) which fascinated them but which turned out to be much less ancient than what was believed and allowed to be believed for a long time. But to do orientalist research, one must also be able to date the material. India is one of those civilizations that remained as if immobile at the threshold of history, fascinating indeed but not very inclined to give dates—such goes history. Hence the importance of the pillars of Ashoka, the third king of the Maurya dynasty, the one who completed the first—and very brief—unification of India in Asian history.

Ashoka was changed into a marvelous king who promoted the Buddhist ideal after a spectacular conversion. In reality, Ashoka is a common example in the history of empires, of the alliance of politics and religion. Nothing to be moved by. He was an exemplary king—a great one at that—in that he knew how to use a religion that was not yet established, for the purpose of unifying that first great Indian state, the Maurya Empire. He organized a police empire and knew how to exploit this proto-Buddhism for the purposes of surveillance and control of a territory that went as far as Gandhara and a whole area that has since been called the “Hellenized East.” Is the “Dharma” that he promotes in his edicts Buddhist law? This has been believed for so long that the matter seems to have been settled. If he were a great king, it is also because he understood the interest of writing—we owe to him the first Indian alphabets, even if this fact is disputed by Indian researchers.

Buddhism as a religious fact cannot be dissociated from this epistemological history, from this history of the nascent and then growing science of Orientalism—a history of dazzling or patient discoveries. The English, who took over India and ousted the French and the Dutch, took the lion’s share of the work, but they also knew how to collaborate with European researchers. This is the case of the deciphering of Indian writing, attributed to James Prinsep, but which in reality was a collective work.

Marion Duvauchel’s work focuses on this history of Orientalist research and its key discoveries, such as Burnouf’s monumental work as a defector; Princeps’ deciphering of Indian scripts; and the collection of coins by these “first excavators” whose history is now being unearthed thanks to Jean-Marie Lafont’s thesis; the work of Emile Sénart, a rich man married to an even richer woman, an atypical man without rank or academic title who supported French Indianism with his relations as well as his fortune and who tried to open some breaches in the stilted world of a rigid research. And then, Russian orientalism, decapitated by Bolshevism which sent some of the researchers to the gulags of sinister memory.

It is appropriate to give a special place to the art of Gandhara and to Alfred Foucher’s contributions, rendered obsolete by current research (especially by the Russians), and which, on the other hand, has given pride of place to the much more profound interpretations of Daniel Schlumberger. In 1973, at the time of his death, Gérard Fussman paid him homage, recalling not without disloyalty the episode during which the archaeologist of Bactria had laid out his thesis on the birth of Buddhism. For Schlumberger, it was born from the meeting of an Indian genius (or of a group of Indians in search of truth) with the members of the Greek “philosophical sects” which lived in India, since the lightning raid of Alexander and the kingdoms of the Diadochoi who followed this brilliant conquest. Schlumberger thus questions the accepted dating of the existence of the “first” Buddha. This thesis, deeply argued and methodically presented by a man who knew he was at death’s door, broke the conventional wisdom of official Indianism. It received a frosty reception, was never re-examined and has only recently been mentioned by a courageous Indian academic.

Where does Buddhism come from? How was it born? The enigmatic founder does not explain everything. Indians consider Buddhism to be just one of a multitude of sects, and they are astonished to see their country associated with the religious brilliance of a religion that deserted it in the 8th century. It was not until the 21st century that a true anthropology of Hinduism appeared, reminding us of what Buddhology had erased: the central concepts of Buddhism (Dharma and Karma in particular) were derived from classical Brahmanism. It was Madeleine Bardiau’s honor to have undertaken this work. With Louis Renou they renewed the whole of Indianism. Without successors.

And the Catholic World in all This?

There was the work of Cardinal de Lubac who gave us two major books, including Amitaba, which he was able to write thanks to the archives of the Guimet Museum that were freely opened to him. How can we explain that after the Second Vatican Council, while the quality of his work on Buddhism gave him intellectual legitimacy, he was excluded from the committees of interreligious dialogue? No doubt that once again, the Church chose mediocrity which, today, is spread out in all the instances of inter-religious dialogue.

The Iranian spirit was not foreign to the transformations that renewed Indian Buddhism or that took it to another cultural land. And this spirit was imbued with gnosis. Born in Alexandria, it came to die in the East, in the third century AD, but not before nourishing that great flow of Manichaeism—and those multiple rivers of Buddhism, inhabited by the multiplicity of bodhisattvas who have supplanted the proto-Victorian Buddha that Europe has resurrected with great spiritual antics.

It was during this 3rd century that a new prophet arose at the confluence of the three religious zones— the Iranian Mandean and Zoroastrian, the Indian Buddhist and Hinduist and the Christian already nibbled away by heretical sects. Mani modestly claimed to assume in his person Buddha, Jesus and Zoroaster. From Buddhism, he assumed all the legendary and mythological apparatus; from Christianity he copied the militant organization, the practice of confession and the literary forms.

But with Manichaeism, everything became blurred. Gnosis dissolved borders, limits and categories. What remained was the idea that all along the Silk Roads three great religions spread out to China: Buddhism, Manichaeism and Nestorian Christianity.

Throughout its improbable history, Buddhism never stopped changing. Borrowing here—including undoubtedly from Christianity—accommodating there, it underwent such transformations that to account for it one has to end up imagining a primitive Buddhism of Pali tradition (Theravada) of which Sri Lanka would be the depositary, while a current of Sanskrit language developed in North India and beyond the inventive and popular Mahayana, intended for the multitudes whom the complex asceticism to reach Nirvana would otherwise repel. In this historically more recent version, Buddhism still revealed itself as prodigiously Indian.

Let us give the last word on this point to Ernest Renan, who took a sharp, lucid and caustic look at Buddhism:

“Drunk with the supernatural, led astray by the dangerous taste it had of playing with the infinite and of losing itself in mad enumerations, India pushed its chimera to the extreme, and thus violated the first rule of religious fantasy, which is to be measured in delirium and to feign according to the analogies of a certain truth.”

Buddhism, an illusion? A fiction? A mirage?

Yes, in other words—a chimera.

Featured: Heracles as Vajrapani of the Buddha. Detail from a panel. Gandhara, 2nd century AD.

In Memoriam: Darya Dugin

On August 20, 2022, Darya Dugin, scholar, journalist, pattriot and daughter of Alexander Dugin, was assassinated by a car-bomb. There was a worldwide outpouring of grief and consternation at the untimely death of one so gifted. Below, we dedicate some of these expressions.

Christ is Risen!

Darya Dugin: An Obituary

by Alexander Markowitz

On the evening of August 20, 2022, 29-year-old Darya Dugin was killed in a terrorist attack in Moscow. Who was she? First and foremost, a philosopher who defended her native Russia in word and deed and advocated for a better world. As an advocate of the Fourth Political Theory, she fought for a more just, multipolar world and an end to the domination of the globalist West.

For this, Darya worked tirelessly for the Eurasian Movement, founded by her father Alexander Dugin. Her numerous speeches and interviews, as well as the organization of all kinds of events, were aimed not only at freeing Russia and Eurasia from the globalist yoke, but also for the good of Europe, whose peoples and cultures she sought to free from the influence of modern decadent elites. This was a matter of her heart, for she was a connoisseur of French culture, spoke fluent French, and interviewed Alain de Benoit in Paris, among others.

Darya devoted her dissertation to Neoplatonism in the Roman Empire. As an academic, she researched the roots of the Indo-European tradition and spoke not only on geopolitics, but also on representatives of the Conservative Revolution, such as Julius Evola, Ernst Jünger and Martin Heidegger. As a journalist, she spoke out against Russian globalists on television and covered hot topics, such as Syria and Donbass. For example, she recently released a report from Mariupol, which had been liberated from Ukrainian fascists. Her stories from the NATO-inspired hell in Syria are also impressive, where on the one hand she spoke with great feeling about the grief of the locals, and on the other, she found the strength to speak with complete confidence about the coming victory over globalism.

Recently, I have met Darya on several occasions in person. Whether in Vienna, Moscow, Sochi or Kishenev, I was invariably greeted by a young and intelligent, and at the same time brave and full of humor, woman who was the epitome of an Indo-European and Turanian warrior. Today it is rare to meet such people. To the common man it might seem that she stood in her father’s shadow. To those who knew her, however, she was always an individual in her own right. Darya’s time on this earth may be over—God rest her soul—but in our memory she will live forever.

Her murderers want to scare all of us who stand for a free Europe and a free Russia in a multipolar world. But a bomb can only kill a person—but not an idea! Evil may try to defeat us, but it will never prevail! Darya’s murderers made her a martyr of the multipolar world, the Fourth Political Theory and the war against the forces of darkness. We will remain faithful to Darya’s ideas and continue the fight. May the memory of the heroine of Eurasia live on! Her sacrifice is a call to battle!

Eternal memory!

[Courtesy of Geopolitka].

The Murder of Innocents and the Geopolitics of Anti-Russian Terrorism

by Yuri Roschka

Our good friend and fellow ideological fighter Darya Dugina-Platonova was the victim of a terrorist attack in Russia that left her dead. Her car exploded shortly after the famous journalist and conservative activist drove off.

Apparently, the target of this terrorist attack was the famous Russian traditionalist thinker Alexander Dugin. Alexander Dugin miraculously survived. He was about to get into the same car, but at the last minute he got into a friend’s car.

I was friends with the Dugin family for many years; translated four books and a series of articles by this outstanding philosopher into Romanian and edited his books in Romania and Moldova. I was very attached to his daughter Darya, a brilliant student of her father, who had received a very solid philosophical education in France, and was a formidable journalist and an excellent organizer. Darya was a very unusual young woman. Unlike her colleagues of her generation, who lived carelessly and outside any ideals and great aspirations, Darya was a person completely devoted to her father’s cause, which she shared with devotion and loyalty.

Several years ago, together with Alexander Dugin and his tireless and charming daughter Darya, I organized the Kishinev Forum, an international conference that brought together leading intellectuals from the new European anti-Atlantic dissidence and from former communist countries. In 2019, with the direct participation of Alexander and Darya, we organized an international team of anti-system intellectuals from different countries that toured Syria, where we held a series of public meetings to express solidarity with the Syrian people in their struggle against Israeli-American aggression. In our delegation, Darya was the only woman who was exposed to all the risks with us as we traveled through war-torn Syria.

The assassination of Darya Dugin and the attempted assassination of her father, Alexander, are extremely significant. Russia’s enemies today aim to physically eliminate the centers of strategic thought in this country, the most important thinkers capable of conceptualizing the current historical scene and presenting an ideological alternative to neoliberal totalitarian globalism.

The assassination of Darya Dugin represents a radical turning point not only for Russia, but also for international politics. Her death may accelerate some processes that have been in a state of latency or stagnation.

Russia’s enemies have defiantly thrown down the gauntlet. And this comes at a very critical time, not only for this country, which is in the midst of a war with the collective West on Ukrainian territory, but also for the entire international community. Moscow cannot remain impassive in the face of such a serious act of terrorism. We still do not know how the Kremlin will react. However, there is no doubt that after the murder of Darya, the world will no longer be the same. We are entering a much more dangerous phase.

Alexander made the supreme sacrifice on the altar of his own ideals. Darya also learned her father’s lesson well, that the ideal must be served to the end, even at the cost of her own life. The people of this spiritual family voluntarily put on the garb of martyrs. They serve God and the people; and faithfulness to Christ and the Fatherland sometimes obliges us to accept death as the ultimate gesture of love and purpose in the struggle.

A Dieu, dear Darya!

[Courtesy of Geopolitika]

To the Great Sea: In Memoriam Darya Aleksandrovna Dugina

by Alexander Wolfheze

Since precisely six months ago today, since 24 February 2022, a sea of blood has been spilled and is still being spilled, across the fields of Little Russia and, as the violence escalates and spirals outwards, now also on the highways of Great Russia—and no one knows how far beyond the Russias it may reach yet. No one is spared, neither soldier nor civilian, neither adult nor child, neither man nor woman, neither guilty nor innocent. No words suffice to express the revulsion and outrage of millions as they are forced to stand by and witness this bloodshed, continuing beyond all reasons and all boundaries – as the Empire of Lies is feeding off the blood and pain of those whom it seeks to force into compliance, silence and oblivion—or “cancel” out of existence. No words should be wasted on those who now rule that Evil Empire, arrogantly seated on the ruins the ex-free West and now hell-bent on enslaving the whole world in webs of usury, deceit and terror – it rulers only understand deeds. Sufficient words of wisdom were spoken in the West before it fell into evil – these few will suffice to express the determination of all good men, and women, to resist that evil:

Fondly do we hope—fervently do we pray—that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s years of unrequited toil shall be sunk and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago so still it must be said: “The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether” (Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, 4 March 1865).

The memory of all who have sacrificed—some, much, all—in the ongoing Last War of the World Island – their number increasing daily – requires more than mere words: it requires giving meaning to their suffering and death. Russian journalist, writer and philosopher Darya Aleksandrovna Dugina, daughter of the leading light of the Eurasian movement, did so with the fiery heart of a true patriot and the unclouded mind of a true believer. Her early death, on 20 August 2022, the work of terrorist mercenaries plotted by the overreaching evil that now rules the West, is mourned by all those who shared this Geopolitica space with her. Unwittingly, however, the cowardly assassins who brought her Earth-life to an end also gave her immortality. Her memory will outlast theirs. Her name, which means “Great” as well as “Sea” is now part of the Greatest Sea of all. Unwittingly, her assassins carved her name into the stone of history forever. By her sacrifice she has already entered the Home of Heroes:

Smart girl, to slip betimes away
From fields where glory does not stay
And early though the laurel grows
It withers quicker than the rose
But round this early-laurelled head
Will flock to gaze the strengthless dead
And find unwithered on its curls
The garland that is now this girl’s.

(theme by Alfred Edward Housman: : “To an Athlete Dying Young”)

Maiden-philosopher Darya Platonova now takes her place among those she admired most in her short Earth-life. Those she left behind should now confidently take up her cause where she fell, trusting the justice of the One to Whom she has now returned: her Creator, her heavenly Father. Because most surely, she will be avenged:

To Me belongeth vengeance and recompence
their foot shall slide in due time
for the day of their calamity is at hand
and the things that shall come upon them make haste

(Deuteronomy 32:35).

[Courtesy of Geopolitica].

Deconstructing Western Conspiracy Theories about Darya Dugina’s Assassination

by Andrew Korybko

The common thread tying these kooky explanations of last weekend’s terrorist attack together is that they all go to great lengths to deflect from Kiev’s complicity, yet that fascist regime’s mask just slipped after its Ambassador to Kazakhstan told local media about his government’s genocidal plans.

The FSB confirmed that Darya Dugina was assassinated by a Ukrainian special agent who infiltrated Russia under the cover of being a single-mother refugee from Donbass. She reportedly entered the country with falsified documents, spied on her for nearly a month after renting an apartment in the same building, and might even have used her teenage daughter to plant the bomb. The terrorist is considered to be a member of the banned Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and is thought to have escaped to neighboring Estonia, which Russia asked to extradite her even though that’s unlikely to happen.

These are the facts as they objectively exist as revealed from the official investigation thus far, yet some in the West have taken to concocting several conspiracy theories about her assassination in order to mislead their targeted audience about Kiev’s complicity. In fact, these false narratives were preemptively introduced prior to the earlier mentioned findings being shared with the public for the purpose of sowing the seeds of confusion. Examples abound on social media and are mostly shared by NAFO trolls, but some influential forces have also jumped on the propaganda bandwagon.

US-funded Russia expert Kamil Galeev, who became infamous after sharing a treasonous and pro-terrorist thread on Twitter, speculated that the Kremlin, the European far-right, and/or interest groups in Russia might have been behind Darya’s assassination. US Helsinki Commission advisor Arthur Paul Massaro III, who was recently banned from Russia because of his hostile lobbying, threw a bone to his many NAFO followers by blaming the FSB. Amidst all of this, Newsweek amplified a Ukrainian-based marginal former Russian politician’s conspiracy theory about an imaginary “resistance group”.

The most influential fake news propagator, however, is indisputably the BBC. This British outlet gave a platform to Ekaterina Shulman, who’s a designated foreign agent that previously left Russia. They deceptively declined to inform their audience of her official designation in their article about her conspiracy theory very strongly implying that Darya’s own government killed her in order to ramp up support for an internal crackdown despite having previously reported about it on their site. Shulman also ridiculously hinted that many media figures were earlier tipped off about this supposed inside job.

The common thread tying these kooky explanations of last weekend’s terrorist attack together is that they all go to great lengths to deflect from Kiev’s complicity, yet that fascist regime’s mask just slipped after its Ambassador to Kazakhstan told local media about his government’s genocidal plans. In his own words, “We are trying to kill as many [Russians] as possible. The more Russians we kill now, the fewer our children will have to. That’s it.” Although not directly admitting it, the timing of his statement can easily be interpreted as innuendo that Kiev carried out Darya’s assassination despite officially denying it.

That crumbling former Soviet Republic’s foreign patrons are panicking because they correctly predict that the evidence that’s emerging from the FSB’s investigation will unquestionably confirm that it’s Kiev and not Russia that’s the real state sponsor of terrorism. In fact, Moscow appears to be preparing to share its findings more widely with the world as strongly suggested by the condolences that President Putin just sent to Darya’s father, the philosopher and political scientist Alexander Dugin, which preceded Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya vowing to discuss her killing at the UNSC on Tuesday.

There’s no such thing as the so-called “perfect crime” so it was inevitable that the evidence that’s now emerging would confirm Kiev’s complicity in Darya’s assassination, which in turn completely discredits the US-led West’s proxies in that Eastern European country, thus further contributing to the erosion of the “official narrative” about the Ukrainian Conflict. Presciently foreseeing this scenario, Western influencers sought to preemptively shape popular perceptions through the propagation of false narratives ridiculously blaming everyone but their fascist allies for this terrorist attack.

It’s unlikely, however, that any of their target audience even believes the nonsense that those voices are spewing. Their conspiracy theories so kooky and aggressively propagated that they come off as insincere even among those observers who might not have any previous knowledge of the situation and/or those individuals’ blind bias in support of Kiev. At all costs to their already sordid reputations, they’re obsessed with obfuscating the facts surrounding this case in order to push the crackpot theory that Russia itself was behind Darya’s assassination and that it’s “deep state” is thus irredeemably divided.

The truth is altogether different, as is always the case, since “The Russian Deep State Is United Like Never Before” without any cracks within or between the members of its permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies. Nevertheless, the increasingly desperate panic that these Western influencers are experiencing as Russia continues sharing evidence implicating Kiev in Darya’s assassination – and thus shattering their target audience’s false perceptions about their governments’ proxies – provides the chance for them to make one last-ditch shot at pushing this larger conspiracy.

Having exposed the true motivations behind these folks’ perception management operations after deconstructing their conspiracy theories about Darya’s assassination, it’s much easier to understand what they’re up to. It wasn’t even that they were tipped off ahead of time about this terrorist attack, but simply that they immediately knew how to react upon it being reported with respect to preemptively propagating false narratives in order to obfuscate the facts from the investigation that would inevitably prove Kiev’s complicity, which is obvious to all objective observers at this point.

To that end, they’re heavily relying on the larger conspiracy theory that was earlier discredited by subsequent developments alleging that Russia’s “deep state” is irredeemably divided and that rogue forces within it might even be plotting to overthrow President Putin. The only reason why they’d incorporate that unconvincing speculation into their latest narrative is because they literally have no other recourse absent simply telling the truth by admitting Kiev’s complicity. All that they’re doing is further discrediting themselves and their side, though, which inadvertently advances Russia’s interests.

[Courtesy, Oneworld]

Fly like an Eagle, Darya Dugina

by Pepe Escobar

Darya Dugina will be flying like an eagle in an otherworldly sky.

Darya Dugina, 30, daughter of Alexander Dugin, a smart, strong, ebullient, enterprising young woman, whom I met in Moscow and had the honor to cherish as a friend, has been brutally murdered.

As a young journalist and analyst, one could see she would carve for herself a glowing path towards wide recognition and respect (here she is on feminism).

Not so long ago, the FSB was directly engaged in smashing assassination attempts, organized by the SBU, against Russian journalists, as in the case of Olga Skabaeyeva and Vladimir Soloviev. It’s mind-boggling that Dugin and his family were not protected by the Russian intelligence/security apparatus.

The key facts of the tragedy have already been established. A Land Cruiser Prado SUV, owned by Dugin and with Darya at the wheel, exploded in a highway near the village of Bolchie Vyazemy, a little over 20km away from Moscow.

They were both coming from a family festival, where Dugin had delivered a talk. At the last minute, Darya took the SUV and Dugin followed her in another car. According to eyewitnesses, there was an explosion under the SUV, which was immediately engulfed in flames and hit a roadside building. Darya’s body was burned beyond recognition.

The Russian Investigative Committee soon established that the IED—approximately 400g of TNT, unencapsulated—was planted under the bottom of the SUV, on the driver’s side.

The investigators consider that it was a premeditated car bombing.

What is not already known is whether the IED was on a timer or if some goon nearby pressed the button.

What is already known is that Alexander Dugin was a target on the Myrotvorets list. Myrotvorets stands for a Center for Research of Signs of Crimes against the National Security of Ukraine. It works side by side with NATO collecting info on “pro-Russian terrorists and separatists”.

Denis Pushilin, the head of the DPR, took no time to accuse “the terrorists of the Ukrainian regime” for Darya’s assassination. The inestimable Maria Zakharova was more, well, diplomatic: she said that if the Ukrainian lead is confirmed, that will configure a policy of state terrorism deployed by Kiev.

An Existential War

In several essays—this one being arguably the most essential—Dugin had made extensively clear the enormity of the stakes. This is a war of ideas. And an existential war: Russia against the collective West led by the United States.

The SBU, NATO, or quite probably the combo—considering the SBU is ordered by the CIA and MI6—did not choose to attack Putin, Lavrov, Patrushev or Shoigu. They targeted a philosopher and ended up murdering his daughter—making it even more painful. They attacked an intellectual who formulates ideas. Proving once again that Western Cancel Culture seamlessly metastasizes into Cancel Person.

It’s fine and dandy that the Russian Ministry of Defense is about to start the production of the hypersonic Mr. Zircon as it continues to churn out plenty of Mr. Khinzals. Or that three Mig-31 supersonic interceptors have been deployed to Kaliningrad equipped with Khinzals and placed on combat duty 24/7.

The problem is the rules have changed—and the SBU/NATO combo, facing an indescribable debacle in Donbass, is upping the sabotage, counter-intel and counter-diversionary dial.

They started by shelling Russian territory; spread out around Donbass—as in the attempt to kill the mayor of Mariupol, Konstantin Ivachtchenko; even launched drones against the HQ of the Black Sea Fleet in Sebastopol; and now—with the Darya Dugina tragedy—are on the gates of Moscow.

The point is not that all of the above is irrelevant in terms of changing the facts on the ground imposed by the Special Military Operation. The point is that an upcoming series of bloody psyops designed for pure PR effect can become extremely painful for Russian public opinion – which will demand devastating punishment.

It’s clear that Moscow and St. Petersburg are now prime targets. The Ukrainian ISIS is a go. Of course, their handlers have vast experience on the matter, across the Global North/South. All red lines are gone.

The Coming of the Ukrainian ISIS

The cokehead comedian has duly pre-empted any Russian reaction, according to the NATO script he’s fed on a daily basis: Russia may try to do something “particularly disgusting” this coming week.

That’s irrelevant. The real—burning—question is to what extent the Kremlin and Russian intel will react when it’s fully established SBU/NATO concocted the Dugin plot. That’s Kiev terrorism at the gates of Moscow. That screams “red line” in bloody red, and a response tied to the reiterated promise, by Putin himself, of hitting “decision centers”.

It will be a fateful decision. Moscow is not at war with the Kiev puppets, essentially—but with NATO. And vice-versa. All bets are off on how the tragedy of Darya Dugina may eventually accelerate the Russian timetable, in terms of a radical revision of their so far long-term strategy.

Moscow can decapitate the Kiev racket with a few hypersonic business cards. Yet that’s too easy; afterwards, who to negotiate the future of rump Ukraine with?

In contrast, doing essentially nothing means accepting an imminent, de facto terrorist invasion of the Russian Federation: the Darya Dugina tragedy on steroids.

In his next before last post on Telegram, Dugin once again framed the stakes. These are the key takeaways.

He calls for “structural, ideological, personnel, institutional, strategic” transformations by the Russian leadership.

Drawing from the evidence—from the increased attacks on Crimea to the attempts to provoke a nuclear catastrophe in Zaporozhye—he correctly concludes that the NATO sphere has “decided to stand on the other end to the end. They can be understood: Russia actually (and this is not propaganda) challenged the West as a civilization.”

The conclusion is stark: “So we have to go all the way”. That ties in with what Putin himself asserted: “We haven’t really started anything yet.” Dugin: “Now we have to start.”

Dugin proposes that the current status quo around Operation Z cannot last for more than six months. There’s no question “the tectonic plates have shifted”. Darya Dugina will be flying like an eagle in an otherworldly sky. The question is whether her tragedy will become the catalyst to propel Putin’s strategic ambiguity to a whole new level.

[Courtesy, Strategic Culture]