A Brief History Of Deprogramming

According to some very authoritative and repetitive CNN talking heads, nearly our entire political class, and former luminaries like the washed-up Katie Couric, 74.5 million Americans – and that includes you – need to be “deprogrammed” immediately.

Arch-liberal Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson got even testier in the aftermath of the D.C. riot on January 6. Appearing on MSNBC, Robinson said “there are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed.” He called them members of a “Trumpist cult.” They are racist, white supremacists who need to be dismissed, detested, and demonized, he explained.

Conservatives and nationalist patriots are now labeled a terrorist “cult.”

They should be sent away to gulags and reeducation camps to completely rid them and ergo, the rest of the now woke country, of their beliefs.

One person thought it could perhaps be done digitally – or employing a social credit system akin to the one already deployed in Communist China. Other Democrats want deplatforming on social media and shaming so that none of these people are ever gainfully employed again.

Now, deprogramming has a long and tortuous history so it may be worth relearning some of it before we depart down this route of no return. Contrary to Joe Biden’s inauguration address – it is not a very unifying action. Quite the opposite.

In Stalin’s reign of terror, his secret police devised a systematic way to capture, abuse, and kill kulaks who would not accept collectivist rule and especially state ownership of farmland and the means of production. It worked well and an estimated 9 million lost their lives and livelihoods. Stalin remained in power and the single-party state he built did not collapse until December 1991.

In other Communist countries, the process was perfected. Romania under Nicolae Ceaușescu had a particularly dreaded reeducation regime. Many went away and were never seen or heard from again. Bulgaria was the same. East Germany had their notorious Stasi state where friends and relatives spied on each other.

During Mao’s curiously named “Great Leap Forward” from 1955 until 1960, the most destructive deprogramming in human history saw the loss of 55 million lives as the Chinese Communist Party exercised complete control over that society. The same process was repeated in Vietnam, North Korea, and the “killing fields” of Cambodia – with exactly the same result.

The idea of deprogramming an entire (dissident) population was originally invented in the French Revolution and it set its sights on the destruction of faith, family, and fortune.

The idea was to create a “new man.” Like the later infamous, “Soviet Man,” this person was to become an agent of the state and obedient to its rules, whims, and demands at all costs and without deviation. Persons were divorced from any human rights, morality, property, and basic dignity. But they were deprogrammed to ideologically conform – or were deceased.

Under the one-party rule of Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao, entire societies were reshaped to conform with the absolute will of the leader. This so-called cult of personality saw the restriction of all freedom, the confiscation of all property, and the banning of traditional customs, religion, and traditions. Everything, absolutely everything, was bent to the demand of the leader (all of which were, of course, communistic).

Entering from stage left, the new American totalitarians seek to conform all minds and voters around their regime and ideology. Nothing less will be tolerated. Conform or be deprogrammed.

To be precise, deprogramming refers to measures that claim to assist or force a person who holds one belief system into changing those beliefs and abandoning allegiance to the religious, political, economic, or social group associated with the belief system.

The Left’s plan: We need to put an end to conservative thinking, now. The only question is, how?

The goal is nothing short of ending any allegiance to the religious, political, economic, or social group associated with any form of conservative belief system. The dictionary definition of deprogramming is “to free” or “to retrain” someone from specific beliefs.

Anyone who liked, voted for, or had any positive thoughts about Donald Trump, his administration, public policies, or movement needs to be deprogrammed.

The expert literature on this process is actually quite lengthy and revolves largely around psychological mind games and manipulation. In the extreme, it comes down to force and political power.

First, you have to kidnap or take those away who need such reeducation. Retaining them in a separate, deprived place is essential. Forced removal or rendering is likely necessary.

Second, intense debriefings with psychological tactics are utilized to counter belief systems. This is not a matter of choice or enlightenment but rather dictation and coercion, as needed. Some will crash early under little pressure, while others will need to be imprisoned and physically punished – over many years.

Next comes a full reeducation based on a reevaluation of norms and beliefs, which includes:

  • thought reform measures,
  • questioning of past ideas,
  • and emotional connection to the new life and its preferred ideology.

Such techniques, while highly controversial, have also been used to deprogram members of the Unification Church, Hare Krishna, Jim Jones’ cult before Jonestown, and most extensively in various political settings – in former and present Communist settings.

America has no history or real experience in political deprogramming and even less in organized political violence based on ideology. There was a deadly civil war around the question of union versus secession, and various, but thankfully sporadic, acts of insurrection and riot. But America has seen no organized political effort to rid the country of half of its population.

This is what we have come to?

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, scholar-diplomat-strategist, is CEO of the thought leadership firm, The Roosevelt Group. He is author of eighteen books, including, The Plot to Destroy Trump and Trump’s World: GEO DEUS. Dr. Malloch appears regularly in the media, as a keynote speaker, and on television around the world. This article appears through the kind courtesy of American Greatness.

The featured image shows, “Sheep, Shepherds, and a Goat,” painted by Jordan Henderson, 2020.

The Corrupting Of Power: Pride And Illegitimacy

In the tenth chapter of Ecclesiastes we read that, “The beginning of human pride is to forsake the Lord; the heart has withdrawn from its Maker. For the beginning of pride is sin; and the one who clings to it pours out abominations. The Lord overthrows the thrones of rulers; and enthrones the lowly in their place.”

Since time in memorial humans have tried – through their own arrogance and supposed knowledge to supplant the all-knowing God to become godlike. It is first recorded in the early chapters of Genesis with a tempting bite from the forbidden apple in the Garden of Eden.

Over and over again, in biblical literature and in subsequent history, we find the same aberrant phenomenon repeating itself. That’s why in Judaism, pride was called, “the root of all evil.“

It is as if we never learn.

Since the violent terror of the French Revolution man has thrown off any semblance of normative, God-given rules and exerted – a pure lust for power.

The Left, oftentimes under the guise of so-called liberal enlightenment, tries to “immanentize the eschaton” – to bring their definition of heaven to earth.

We saw this most vividly is the 2020 US election and the false promises made by the Democrats and their compliant, senile, illegitimate leader.

In political theory, this means trying to bring about the final, heaven-like stage of history in the present fallen world.

In all these contexts it means attempting to make that which belongs to the afterlife happen here and now – on earth.

In other cases, it means killing God altogether or denying His very existence.

In the process, instead, what we find is modern history littered with movements, leaders and ideologies that, as the poet William Blake shouted, ‘More! More!’ is the cry of a mistaken soul; less than All cannot satisfy Man.”

In the twentieth century alone more than 120 million lives were lost in wars and campaigns started by the Left: national socialism, communism, genocides, revolutions and various liberations. This year we commemorated the start of the last such world war in Poland.

The Left never has enough power.

We also heard the chairman of the Democrat National Party (DNC) was very enthused by the fact that religion is on the wane in America and that the secularist persuasion has endorsed and embraced the increasingly Leftist, Democrat Party.

The Republicans, too God-fearing, evangelical and anti-revolutionary, are to be banished and censored in the latest pride of the Left.

The Left has clear ambition to wipe out all transcendent faiths as the ‘opium of the people,’ as their hero, Karl Marx termed it. His ardent follower, Vladimir Lenin called for a Leftist revolution by the “vanguard of the proletariat,” to take hold of all history.

Listen to some of the 2020 Democrat voices demonstrating this same and ominous pride of the Left:

Celebrating Hugo Chavez’s leadership in Venezuela, “His brand of socialism achieved real economic gains.”

“China under Mao made more progress than any other to end poverty.”

“Homophobia is the real enemy of America.”

“Fck that dude. I’ll smack that fcker’s comb-over right off his fcking scalp. Like, for real, if I met Donald Trump, I’d punch him in his fcking face. And that’s not a joke.”

“It’s a political civil war, Trump’s racist tirades set the tone for 2020.”

“Republicans don’t believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the environment.”

“May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.”

“I wish they (Republicans) were all f*cking dead!”

” Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I’m outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House, but I know that this won’t change anything.”

“It’s time we seized control and had democratic socialism for working families .“
Well, we all know the saying, “Pride cometh before the fall.”

It is pride – in the power of the State and its omnipotent rulers that leads to the destruction of America and its very Founding values of ordered liberty and limited government.
It is the Left who continuously and vividly exhibit that sin.

Someday, perhaps we will acknowledge biblical wisdom again and turn away from the ever-present pride of the Left, wherever and whenever, it raises its ugly head.

Recall, the antidote to pride and hubris is trust in God’s providence. The hubris of Biden-Harris is most abundantly found in their presumption of victory.

In political science, legitimacy is the right and acceptance of an authority, usually a governing law or a regime itself. Whereas authority denotes a specific position in an established government, such as the Presidency in American government, the term legitimacy denotes a system of government—wherein government denotes “sphere of rightful and legal influence”.

The 2020 elections call the legitimacy of the Democrats and their candidate and those down ballot as well, into question. If Biden is sworn in on January 21, 2021 which is by no means certain at this point, he will be an illegitimate President.

An illegitimate presidency of Joe Biden based on mounting; documented evidence is the culmination of the pride of the Left.

In overt actions to steal the election from the rightful winners and insert their lame duck, senile cut-out, the Left has manufactured the greatest pride of all – a corrupting of power that Lord Acton himself predicted years ago in his famous dictum.

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, scholar-diplomat-strategist, is CEO of the thought leadership firm, The Roosevelt Group. He is author of eighteen books, including, The Plot to Destroy Trump and Trump’s World: GEO DEUS. Dr. Malloch appears regularly in the media, as a keynote speaker, and on television around the world. This article appears through the kind courtesy of American Greatness.

The image shows “Tondal’s Vision,” by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch, ca. mid-16th century.

The American Revival: Some Reflections

This is an unknown story. The media will never report it because it embarrasses them too much. They detest faith. They wish it would simply go away.

The sparsely populated Hebrides Islands have only 44,000 people with a land area of around 2,400 square miles. It is rural. The population is mostly in remote villages, only accessible from the mainland by boat or ferry. Not much goes on except sheep and cattle raising, fishing, a few tourists, and even fewer trees. The ancestors were ancient peoples who still speak Gaelic. The Isle of Lewis is located at the very far northwest corner of Scotland in the British Isles.

You might rightly ask, what does such a distant place, so far away, have to do with America, the presidency, and God’s providential hand?

When you find out you will understand why every Christian—Evangelical, Protestant, Catholic, and Bible-centered believer should decide to vote for Donald Trump this election. He is the spearhead of the fifth Great Awakening in American history.

Watch this short clip from a recent sermon. It will move you.

America, brothers and sisters, is in the throes of a revival. This new great awakening, much like earlier such movements in our long history, is rooted in a return to God’s norms, an acceptance of His grace, and a turning away from sin and unfaithfulness.

Historians have identified four such periods in our history, each increasing religious enthusiasm.

The first such awakening occurred from 1720-1745 in the colonies leading up to and underscoring the drive for independence. The second began in the 1790s and birthed the abolition movement, temperance, and women’s rights. It is often associated with Jonathan Edwards. The third outpouring, from 1850-90, saw the initiation of active missionary work, the founding of the YMCA, and carried forward its zeal during and after the tumultuous Civil War.

The Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Fogel identifies the fourth great awakening in the 1960s and early ’70s. The Jesus Movement led to the rapid and wide growth of evangelicalism and the rise of holiness and charismatic faith.

According to theologians who document such events, “Awakenings” all result from powerful preaching, a sense of guilt from sin, and the need for salvation and redemption through Jesus Christ.

Make no mistake, these awakenings are critical episodes in American history which have had a demonstrable effect—focusing people on piety, changing rituals, habits, self-awareness and shaping our culture and politics for the better.

Today, an unexpected servant is doing God’s bidding and is the instrumental agent in the fifth great awakening. He wants to Make America Great Again and to Keep it Great. This “greatness” is measured not only in military might and in economic prowess and productivity, important as they are.

It is measured in spiritual capital.

Judeo-Christian heritage has served as the spiritual capital of America. Of special importance is the articulation of how Judeo-Christian spiritual capital has been the source of the spiritual quest of modernity, how that quest has evolved and why America, because of its deep spiritual capital, has been uniquely able to provide leadership for that quest.

The larger thesis is that America, by virtue of its specific spiritual capital heritage, not only is the beneficiary of its advantages but also is the leading exemplar of the spiritual quest of modernity itself. It is because America is engaged in a spiritual quest that it can exercise world leadership as opposed to domination, empire, and oppression.

There are clear economic consequences of America’s spiritual capital. Specifically, economic development, growth, and entrepreneurship depend on such spiritual capital. Religious beliefs have a measurable impact on individuals, communities, and societies.

Political freedom is not unlike economic freedom. There is a symbiotic relationship between America’s spiritual capital and our exceptional political institutions, democracy, Constitution, and freedoms.

The substantive spiritual vision supports the political and economic procedural norms of a free society. These procedural norms are not otherwise defensible. America’s success and leadership in the world have an integral relation to its spiritual capital.

Like any form of capital, spiritual capital may lie dormant or be wasted, it may be used productively, it may be augmented, and it may be diminished or eroded.

Our heritage is currently under assault from a variety of sources today and something happens when scientific, technological, economic, and political institutions are detached from their spiritual roots. The result is a natural progression from governmental bureaucratic centralization to secularism to reductive materialism and ultimately to a social-collectivist conception of human welfare.

Within the American story, there is an argument—namely, that these achievements will not be sustained without that heritage, and for all of the above reasons the heritage needs to be reaffirmed and renewed. Indeed, it can be said that the future of modernity and America depends on the extent to which there is a reaffirmation of America’s spiritual capital.

Be assured there is special content in America’s Judeo-Christian spiritual capital based in biblical truths. In many ways, it has come to define America. It also suggests the origins and sources of the current attacks on Judeo-Christian spiritual capital.

These include, most notably:

  • Perennial (heretical) utopian Gnosticism, now in the form of Socialism
  • Rousseauian/Marxist-derived narratives of equality and complaints about modernity
  • The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
  • Militant Secularism (domestic and international)
  • Anarchism
  • Militant Islamism (international)

President Trump, unlike other past leaders, is rebutting these attacks. He argues that America will not survive without a renewal of its Judeo-Christian spiritual capital.

Specifically, this means the importance of personal autonomy and responsibility stemming from the dignity of the individual as a human person and the exercise of religious freedom. It also requires the need to support civil association with a robust content—full morality and the rule of law.

In no way do he and his followers advocate a theocracy or anything less than a democratic republic that is rooted in commerce and, ultimately, produces what the founders themselves called, “human flourishing.”

He does advocate the rejuvenation of Judeo-Christian spiritual capital as a cultural phenomenon, the non-apologetic expression of one’s faith, and the re-education of misguided clerics, educators, the media, and America’s leaders. And most of all direct, honest, lawful, and vigorous confrontation of America’s critics and its enemies.

Tradition tells of a chime that changed the entire world when it rang on July 8, 1776. It was the sound from the tower of Independence Hall summoning the citizens of Philadelphia to hear the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence by Colonel John Nixon.

The Pennsylvania Assembly had ordered that bell in 1751 to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of William Penn’s 1701 Charter of Privileges, Pennsylvania’s original Constitution. That charter spoke of the rights and freedoms valued by people the world over. Particularly insightful were the devout Penn’s ideas on religious freedom, his stance on American rights, and his inclusion of citizens in enacting laws.

The Liberty Bell gained iconic importance again when abolitionists in their efforts to put an end to slavery throughout America adopted it as a symbol.

As the bell was created to commemorate the golden anniversary of Penn’s Charter, the biblical quotation, “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof,” taken from Leviticus 25:10, seemed particularly apt and was engraved on the Bell.

More and more Americans in 2020 have come to realize that President Trump is ringing that bell again. He, unlike his opposition, defends and rearticulates America’s spiritual capital—ushering in America’s fifth great awakening.

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, scholar-diplomat-strategist, is CEO of the thought leadership firm, The Roosevelt Group. He is author of eighteen books, including, The Plot to Destroy Trump and Trump’s World: GEO DEUS. Dr. Malloch appears regularly in the media, as a keynote speaker, and on television around the world. This article appears through the kind courtesy of American Greatness.

The image shows, Contest for the Bouquet: The Family of Robert Gordon in Their New York Dining-Room by Seymour Joseph Guy, painted in 1866.

Clutch Biden And The Cargo Cult

Anthropologists underscore the concept of a cargo cult as a belief system in a relatively (un)developed society in which adherents practice superstitious and repeated rituals hoping to bring modern goods supplied by a more technologically advanced society.

The Democratic Party of the United States has been running a cargo cult for some decades. It is placing a bet that its latest saviour figure, Sleepy Joe Biden, albeit an empty senile shell of a real cult leader, can do it again and fool the people — one more time. As he says, “C’mon man.”

During WWII Americans landed their huge aircraft, big bombers and jets, all over the Pacific islands of Melanesia. The local natives came to love — “Joe or John Frum”, (aka G. I. Joe from somewhere, stateside). The planes would drop their goods, i.e., cargo, and the people got stuff like free soft drinks, canned spam, chewing gum and candy bars. They became totally addicted to it.

But then the war ended, and the planes stopped arriving.

Not knowing exactly, why, the islanders built their own bamboo and wooden planes, many life-sized, beckoning the return of yet more cargo. It didn’t come.

Such cargo cults are a phenomenon around the world, from Papua New Guinea to Guinea, and from Guinea-Bissau to British Guiana—continents apart. All are premised on more or less the same design.

Radically new age millenarian false religions, “cargo cults”, were all inaugurated by cataclysmic events that destroyed the old order and brought a paradisal plenty, together with freedom and justice that involved the reversal of the positions of white foreigners and indigenous peoples.

Joe, from Delaware (or is it Scranton) and his pseudo-religious, well actually now radical Marxian secular party, is promising the return of cargo to those who just believe in him or a slim chimera of him. And the inner cities, Blue state kleptocracies and emerging autonomous (lawless) free zones, as well as the Democrat controlled “shithole” wards — from West Baltimore to the BedSty and from Watts to Metcalfe Park, all fall in line. They believe.

The handouts and promises are just too good to pass up. More please, more.

Like the related 1960’s cartoon, Clutch Cargo, Clutch Biden is out to save the oppressed and downtrodden. That animated television series centered on dangerous adventures and missions to save the world. It was later voted the seventh worst television production in history but in its day, it had plenty of followers and cool bongo music as its lead in.

Play those bongos again brothers and sisters, Clutch Biden will deliver. It may take help this time from the AOC crowd or “The (Firing) Squad,” as it is commonly known, as well as threats from Antifa and the bigoted rioters, but Joe and his soon to be released, female action-figure, Vice President of color, premised on Shuri in the kingdom of Wankunda, will Remake America.

This time the cargo cult will be bigger and better than ever. It has to be.

To hell with the US Constitution, the nuclear and extended family, marriage, parenting, the rule of law, private property, any notion of religious freedom, let alone practice, the second amendment, and custom, manners and civilization, as we know it.

It is time for Revolution. Off with heads is the slogan du jour.

Like Robespierre, the first act is to guillotine the vestiges of the past and all its conservative and reactionary stalwarts. Gone…

The second act is to take control of the commanding heights. The media is already on board, so the rest will follow like lemmings. Done…

And, the final stage is socialism in every aspect. Equality of outcomes is the euphemism, but it is in effect the total destruction of present society and the re-making of America. The new red hats will not be premised on the founding principles, life, liberty or happiness, let alone any meritocracy of the past, or our individual and collective achievements.

The new order will read right out of the Communist Manifesto: “[W]hen the class struggle nears the decisive hour . . . a small section of the ruling class cuts itself adrift, and joins the revolutionary class, the class that holds the future in its hands.”

From his cultic basement bunker, today’s cargo cult Democrat shadow man deity has offered up far greater goodies for the masses. They include, free college education for all, no taxes for any one of below moderate means whatsoever, free universal health insurance for any and every body, noncitizens included, free child care, abortion even after birth, more food stamps, get out of jail free cards, a green new deal, affirmative action to insure reversals of the past, removal of all statues that have anything to do with America’s former history, unlimited immigration and completely open borders, defunding of the police, confiscation of all guns, and trillions of dollars in giveaways and boondoggles for only the Democrat states and cities.

Come and lap it up, there is something for everybody – on the Left, that is.

We can tax much, much more and print more money and diminish America while supporting Communist China and globalism galore. Multiculturalism and multipolarity will erode America from existence. Sovereignty is unnecessary. So, what. It is a winning cargo cult formula. It has worked well in the past so Biden etal., will up the ante and bow before the altar of mammon and unchecked political power, this time to change the system once and for all and for so-called “social” good. There is no turning back.

Take note: this could very well be the last election in American history. We are headed for a one party state.

Once ensconced, the Democrats, really Marxian vanguard of the proletariat, will never leave office or relinquish power — ever again. To steal a memorable line from REM, “It will be the end of the world as we know it.”

his time it is a forever cargo cult.

But such a cult sorely needs a leader or at least a figurehead to be an official cult. Who did the Dems have this time around? After a rigged primary they fixed on Joe Biden.

Pundits have started calling Joe Biden – “the Walter Mitty of American politics”.

His brain-dead performances at the nationally televised Democrat debates and near constant gaffes made him a literal laughingstock. His polls dropped like a stone as the public saw his corrupt ways. He lost in Iowa, Nevada and in New Hampshire came in fourth! But no matter, the cult came to his back and he swept through South Carolina and outlasted poor old socialist Bernie.

There are days Joe doesn’t even know where he is, let alone what he is doing. He is so senile.

Or maybe we should just feel somewhat sorry and pity, “Creepy” Joe, since he has suffered two near death brain aneurisms and multiple head surgeries. Ask any accredited medical practitioner and they will honestly tell you that such operations have serious long-term consequences. He’s just not all there. His own doctor jokingly said Biden, “has a brain because I have seen it, which is more than I can say for other Washington politicians.” The more pertinent question might be: yes, but how much of it is left and properly functioning?

‘Walter Mitty Syndrome’ is when you daydream about yourself being in another life as much as or even more than you pay attention to your real life. The name comes from a short story by James Thurber, written in 1939, and then made into a film in 1947, and a remake a few years ago, starring Ben Stiller, where the main character thinks up exciting scenarios for himself in his head when he’s just plain bored.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines a Walter Mitty as “an ordinary often ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic daydreams of personal triumphs.” The most famous of Thurber’s inept male protagonists, is considered “the character archetype for dreamy, hapless, Thurber Man” who resembles Biden.

The larger theme of the relationship between fantasy and reality sums up perfectly Clutch Biden and his 2020 campaign to be the President and Commander in Chief.

He truthfully can’t even decide on a cogent campaign theme and has changed the name on his own tour bus three times, already. The ‘No Malarkey’ version was just too corny and dated. ‘C’mon Man’ might be the latest and just as bad. Recently, he has decided to stay put in his basement sheltering from the curious public and a probing press.

Joe yearns to be free from his boring, retired life, an existence of relative meaninglessness and wants to cast himself as the Hero, as Barack’s essential, indispensable bud and as the soul(man) of America.

The insignificant Vice President wants to be the new significant President.

Now, truthfully, Joe did not necessarily choose this predicament. It selected him. With no qualified candidates (out of 29 options) Joe just had to throw his hat into the ring. Or did he?

At age 77, time had run out and his nearly fifty years of government service and glad-handing (and much corruption) needed a fitting conclusion; a Final Act. It was after all the job he always dreamed of but seemed out of his grasp. Recall he ran and lost three times before once getting caught up as a plagiarist.

But is Clutch Joe believable this time?

Biden is certainly most ‘Mittyesque’, to recoin a phrase. Here are a few good examples.

He retells a story over and over of courage when his helicopter landed under heavy fire near Bin Laden’s lair in Afghanistan. DIDN’T HAPPEN.

Joe is recorded as saying he was at the Parkland High School shooting in Florida at the very event. DIDN’T HAPPEN.

Constantly reminding us of his working-class status and roots, Joe says he and his were coal miners. NOT REALLY.

Joe remembers vividly calling the Serbian evil General Milosevic, a “damned war criminal” to his very face. NO WAY.

The former segregationist dreams that he organized sit-ins in all white restaurants and movie theaters. SHOW ME.

Joe imagines himself a Top Gun military flying ace, as Tom Cruise’s “Maverick” with his always evident, Aviator glasses. AIN’T SO.

The list goes on and on, ad infinitum. Biden is fiction.

Instead, we find a grainy and worn picture of a failed politico, a has-been, the very definition of the Trump defined, “swamp creature”. He and his son, Hunter, are in the muck up to their eyeballs. But that is the definition of a cargo cult.

He has greatly enriched himself and his entire family (Where’s Hunter) and shaken down governments, been the handmaiden and shill of the credit card industry since he entered Congress, and sold America down the river, time and again, most recently to China.

It is not untrue that Clutch Biden is the largest living embodiment, the very best example par excellance, not a Walter Mitty LIFE magazine pretend character – but of Classic Cronyism, of Cargo Cultism.

He is the poster boy (albeit, as an old man) for the entire elitist, globalist political cargo cult.

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, scholar-diplomat-strategist, is CEO of the thought leadership firm, The Roosevelt Group. He is author of eighteen books, including, The Plot to Destroy Trump and Trump’s World: GEO DEUS. Dr. Malloch appears regularly in the media, as a keynote speaker, and on television around the world. This article appears through the kind courtesy of American Greatness.

The image shows, “The Modern Balaam and his Ass,” a political cartoon from 1837.